Monday, January 30, 2012

Training Update

I am so happy with my marathon training. I am not lighting it up in the speed department, but that is fine with me. I am hoping to finish, nothing less, nothing more. I ran 10 miles on Saturday morning for my long run and that put my mileage total at 21 for the week. Since I started training I have lost almost 10 lbs. which is good in so many ways. Most importantly for my knees and joints that have to put up with the pounding of the pavement.

I started using a Calorie Counting website to aid myself in trying to lose weight a little faster and it has really worked. If you have never tried the simple act of counting your calories it is pretty eye opening and very helpful. It really changes your perspective on whether or not a particular food or snack is worth it. I have done many diets in the past like Atkins and Weight Watchers, but being very logical and thinking about food as energy and knowing that in order to lose weight I need to expend more energy than I take in makes complete sense. The Calorie Count site makes it very simple to track.

I am hoping to run the marathon at 240 lbs. or lighter. I am at 254 right now so I think it is possible for me to get down to that weight by then. The year I ran three half marathons I think I got down to 235.

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